Idle No More: Maori Women in Solidarity


The ‘Idle No More’ movement began to move across Great Turtle Island on December 21, 2012 and with it the significance of this time of transition was shared with the world.

As Indigenous women, as Māori women, across Te Moana nui a Kiwa, the Great sea of Kiwa, we send our thoughts and blessings to our tuakana (elder line) who are taking the lead to send messages to the world that things must change. Your leadership with its commitment and dedication to our responsibilities as Indigenous Peoples to Papatūānuku, to this great Grandmother Earth, is a powerful expression of the cultural and spiritual pathways that we must all commit and dedicate ourselves to for the future wellbeing of all living things that share this earth.

We stand in solidarity with our relations who are taking to the streets, who are walking the earth, who are sharing the sounds of drums and song, who are sending blessings and prayer to Creator to bring us in to a period of revitalization for all Indigenous Peoples.

We thank you for your strength to continue to stand in protection of Papatūānuku. We thank you for your courage to stand in protection of future generations so that for seven generations and beyond there is a place for our descendants to stand. We thank you for your powerful expression, in these moments in time, of the dreams, visions and aspirations of our ancestors, seven generations and beyond, who held true to our protocols, beliefs and values in relationship to all living things.

We send karakia, blessings and thoughts of wellbeing to Chief Spence, to her children, her family, her nation, and acknowledge her act of bravery for the wellbeing of all people. Her act of selfless dedication to past, present and future generations carries the message to the world that the current state of oppression of Indigenous Nations across the globe must end. The power of your stand, Chief Spence, is watched with the utmost respect and our tears flow for you, for the pain and sacrifice that you experience to bring this message to the world. He nui tō mātoua aroha ki a koe, mā ngā atua koe e manaaki, e tiaki i tēnei wā. We send to you our love, compassion, respect and call to Creator and all guardians of our lands to embrace and nurture you at this time.

As one group of Indigenous women from Aotearoa we send our absolute solidarity and support to the Indigenous Nations across Great Turtle Island who stand at this time as guardians and protectors of Papatūānuku. Our karakia, our blessings, soar across the Great Sea of Kiwa to you all

Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.

Author: Te Wharepora Hou

Te Wharepora Hou is a collective of wāhine who are mainly Tāmaki Makaurau based, but we have strong participation from wāhine based elsewhere in Aotearoa and the world. We have come together to ensure a stronger voice for wāhine and are concerned primarily with the wellbeing of whānau, hapū, iwi and all that pertains to Papatūānuku and the sustenance of our people.

38 thoughts on “Idle No More: Maori Women in Solidarity”

  1. Just to clarify, it is highly uncommon (and perhaps politically incorrect) for all Maori women to be assumed as standing in solidarity, but that does not mean that it is impossible. With the same thought in mind, I would hope that ALL Maori, male and female, young and old, mai i nga hau e wha, would stand together in support of the Idle No More movement and our tuakana in their struggle to be heard.

    Kia kaha.

  2. Thank you so much for caring about Chief Spence, we are so worried now that she will die as our Prime Minister is still refusing to meet with her. Today many of us will begin to blanket all media with urgent pleas that they cover this story and help us force our government to act. This brave woman stands in the great tradition of Gandhi and we honour her. I am not First Nations, but I am a friend and will do everything I can to help. Thank you so much for these words of blessing and encouragement. Many have moved by them to act. We need the whole world to act with us.

  3. As a proud First Nations Cree woman, here in Alberta, Canada, I give you thanks and blessing for this beautiful message of hope, love and solidarity. Prayers for the Indigenous Maori peoples as we stand tall and proud together. Mother Earth in her abundance and wealth of resources is hurting but all is not lost. My children and their children after them will know that the Maori woman stood with us as one Nation. I am humbled Hiy-hiy!!! One Fire, One Song, One Heartbeat!

  4. Tsen’aen (Thank You) to the beautiful Maori from an Alaskan Dene woman. Prayers and blessings for your strong stand in solidarity with our Canadian brothers and sisters, especially our relative Head Woman Spence.

  5. What an amazing message of love and so grateful as this tiny Being to thrive within this Indigenous circle today. We all thrive thru spiritual manner and love that our Knowing connects us all to each other today. Creator and Mother Earth in their magnificent Ways are connecting us all even more firmly. Chief Spence is Blessed for reminding us of our good fortune.

  6. Reblogged this on Occupy Savvy and commented:
    Te Wharepora Hou are a collective of wahine toa (women warriors) rising in solidarity with indigenous peoples worldwide. This, their official statement of solidarity with the Canadian-founded #IdleNoMore movement, cements the participation of the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand, in this important global movement.

    Reblogged with permission, in solidarity with these inspiring wahine. Tēnā rawa atu koutou Te Wharepora Hou, we are in awe of your mana and your strength. Ngā mihi o te tau hou, Mauri ora!

  7. thank you for standing strong as waahine for this kaupapa nunui ara ko te ropu Idle no More. Tenei toku mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa.

  8. as an ally of the Idle No More movement, it is so inspiring to witness Spirit soaring around the globe and touching the indigenous people, and hearing these responses of solidarity….many voices ,…one family…..may this peaceful revolution transform our way of seeing, hearing and understanding, so that we may all honor the Creator and our Mother Earth in love.

  9. I too would like to thank the Maori women for there support in the ‘ Idle No More ‘ movement which is sweeping the world with a reawakening of our spiritual ancestors. Masi a masi (Thank you very much) I am Denesuline from Northern Turtle Island (Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada) My real name is Li Chok Che Naglok ( Laughing Horses Tail)

  10. Please remember to oppose the Alberta Tar Sands XL Pipeline to the West Coast of Canada, and move to RE-TOOL THE ENTIRE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to the renewables such as wind, tidal, and solar power, that transforms to electricity so that the monopoly dictatorship of Coal, gas, oil and Atomic nuclear fission power plants can be closed forever as failed technology that is destroying the planets livability. Yes the ‘First Nations’ needs the Kelowna Accord agreed to which Harper upon election cancelled. This would allow the First nations to unite and improve their living and working conditions in accord with the natural world. Remember that COP (committees of parties) 18 has renewed the Koyoto Agreements with the majority of nations to save the planets ecological organic balances of the web-of-life. Harper cancelled them and funding of the Canadian Woman’s Centres organized by the women themselves. Workers of the world unite!! You yet have a world to win!! Victory to the First Nations Chief and Chief Theresa Spence.

  11. Hi there, my name is Ally Foster, and I’m a reporter with Embassy News in Ottawa, Canada.

    I am doing a story on the Idle No More movement, and how it has gained international support. I found your blog, and am really interested in speaking to you for my story in the hopes that you could tell me a little bit about standing in solidarity with the Canadian movement, why you think it is an important issue, and what kind of traction it is gaining! I would love to show in my story that support and solidarity for the movement is all over the world.

    Please do send me an email and we can chat either over the phone, or just email back and forth! I would really love to include your story and thoughts!

    Thanks so much!

  12. What precisely honestly motivated you to write “Idle No More:
    Maori Women in Solidarity | tewhareporahou”? I actuallyseriously adored the blog post!
    Regards -Stephen

    1. Why wouldn’t we support indigenous uprising more like! Like all other indigenous peoples Maori have been striving for true sovereignty and self-determination for generations. It was only natural for us to support Idle No More. Thanks Stephen. (Marama Davidson)

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